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During the past 35 years, C. Angela Bontempo she has served in CEO/Executive management positions in several hospitals in New York State and Pennsylvania. She worked as a teacher and as a nurse before returning to college to earn a master’s degree in healthcare administration from St. Louis University.  She also has received advanced certification in Healthcare Financial Management from Yale University.  She is a Lifetime Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives.  Angela is a member of the M&T Bank Corporation Board where she serves as the chair of the Audit and Examining Committees of the Holding Company and the Bank.  She is also a member of the board of iPorta Corp., Toronto, ON.  Angela is a healthcare consultant to Community Health Systems, Inc. of Tennessee (NYSE: CYH.) She has been active in community and professional organizations, has held a number of academic appointments and has received numerous awards including honorary doctorates from both Canisius College and Niagara University.  She has been recognized over the years by several organizations for her leadership and management  notable recent recognitions were by Mercyhurst University of Erie, PA Delta Mu Delta National Honor Society in Business Administration as an Honorary Member (2003); Giuseppe Mazzini Award for contribution to the Italian American community in Erie, Pennsylvania (2008) and in 2011, she received from Pope Benedict the XVI the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice honor for service to the Church. In 2011 she was recognized by the University Of Buffalo School Of Management for Industry Leadership - Healthcare.