Quality Service

Quality Service Systems & Training
Enhance the patient experience and customer service skills of your team.  Analyze systems and apply skills and techniques in delivering exceptional service, and learn to use quality improvement tools that focus on opportunities for individual and team improvements.

Our consulting team designs and facilitates interactive seminars and workshops customized to the needs of your organization. We provide templates to self-assess your key departments, customer satisfaction, and customer-centered systems. After completing an interpretation of results, we will facilitate a leadership strategy process for implementing improvement and learning.

Process Improvement & Change
Focus on tools and techniques that can identify and address opportunities for analyzing key processes, reducing waste/cost/non-real work, and developing improvements in work flows. Improve patient satisfaction and the patient experience along with employee satisfaction and employee workloads.

Learn about the funadamentals of improvement models using Plan Do Study Act (PDSA) and change management methods and principles for effective engagement and implementation.

   "...let's talk about   the patient." -D. Berwick, MD